Meet Denise, an extraordinary young individual who has been courageously battling Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy for a significant part of her life. Her remarkable journey, shared by her devoted mom, Christie Wygant, is a testament to the transformative power of...
Rebekah Thoroughgood was having a rough time after two severe head injuries. One from her sporting activities and one from her farm horse. Her first injury from the horse’s hoof was bad. It also damaged a lot of her teeth. She suffered many common symptoms from her...
Dr. Garry A. Warner D.C. – I have a Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber at my Denver clinic. I’ve helped a number of Broncos members. And I, myself, have achieved results with an upper neuron motor lesion injury. I couldn’t stand on my feet for long...
This is a wonderful update from my client who placed a chamber in her salon and is getting incredible results! 10/2/17– We have set up our mild hyperbaric oxygen chamber and we have already had wonderful results, one client gave a written testimony of her 10...
Robin O’Bannon was one of my earliest customers. He came to me almost 8 years ago begging me to help her get a chamber. She said she had PTSD and was disabled to the point where she couldn’t do anything. She said she wanted her life back. She now lives her...
Dr. Ted Moore — It has shocked me just how fast our new hyperbaric chamber has begun to work. My wife recently suffered from a concussion, but after only two sessions she is already experiencing better locution, speech speed, and mental clarity. I’m...