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Breathing in Energy

Did you know that oxygen provides 90% of your energy, and only 10% comes from food? Oxygen is a nutrient and a fuel that detoxifies the blood and enhances cellular rejuvenation.

Your respiratory system transports oxygen to your blood; slow and deep breaths help increase your oxygen levels. Elevating blood oxygen levels boosts your energy, lifts your mood, makes you feel physically stronger and emotionally calmer. Even minor changes have a significant impact because oxygen fuels life.

“It is oxygen that the body needs, not rice or beans, or a piece of meat. We need Oxygen, it is the fuel of the body” – Dr. Sebi

Energy from Air

After air enters your lungs, the red blood cells can extract oxygen–using iron to ‘hold’ onto oxygen molecules. Mitochondria (cell powerhouses) use oxygen to obtain energy from food. Car engines operate in a similar way–mixing gasoline with air in a combustion chamber to release energy. Your cells don’t combust, but they do need air!

A car engine burning ‘too rich’ (excess fuel and not enough air) will sputter and stall. Fuel alone is not enough; oxygen is critical in the energy equation.

Most people don’t breathe enough. Stressed shallow breaths don’t deliver the oxygen we need.

Do you sometimes feel like your brain-body engine is about to stall?

Suffering Slowly

When oxygen levels drop (e.g. high elevations), symptoms include weakness, confusion, and extreme tiredness. Poor concentration, forgetfulness, and depressive thoughts are early warning signs of ‘low oxygen’ sickness.

The brain doesn’t store energy, so a lack of oxygen is lethal. Any limitation of oxygen for a prolonged period of time deprives the brain of fuel (it uses 20% of your energy). Memory, judgment, and alertness quickly decrease when we’re not oxygenated enough.

Causes of Low Blood Oxygen:

  • Asphyxiation: build-up of lung mucus physically stops air moving.
  • Deforestation: fewer trees mean less oxygen, this is worse in urban areas.
  • Dehydration: blood and lymph need fluid to flow, and deliver oxygen.
  • Elevation: being at high elevation reduces oxygen, but we slowly adapt.
  • Lungs: smoke, and particles, reduce lung function, irritating cells.
  • Nutrition: iron is a critical mineral for transporting oxygen to cells.
  • Pollution: burning fossil fuels has reduced atmospheric oxygen by 2%.
  • Stagnation: stale air has less oxygen and more contaminants.

Healing with Oxygen

The link between oxygen and health seems obvious. A lack of oxygen is linked to cancer, leukemia, candida, and epilepsy. A lack of oxygen stresses the body and limits the energy available to heal properly. Try meditation and gentle exercise to boost your oxygen levels. However, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will raise your body’s oxygen level to therapeutic levels.

The cells heal themselves when bathed in oxygen.

Benefits of Elevating Oxygen

  • Boost concentration, enhance focus, elevate mental energy.
  • Enhance mental performance, memory recall, and capacity.
  • Greater muscular strength, and enhanced endurance.
  • Improve concentration, and feel more alert.
  • Increase fat burning and metabolic efficiency.
  • Reduce stress, relieve tension headaches, calm anxiety.
  • Recover quicker after exercise, prevent lactic acid build-up.
  • Strengthen the immune system, improve sleep, and cleanse the blood.

Removing mucus lets oxygen in–this is how Dr. Sebi helped people with ‘untreatable’ conditions. He tackled the underlying issue of oxygenation–removing mucus choking the oxygen supply. Drinking plenty of spring water helps the process of eliminating stagnant mucus, not to mention you need oxygen to make water, so make sure to stay hydrated.

Inhaling More Energy

Getting more oxygen into your cells uplifts every process in your body!

  • Breathing: Deeper, fuller, slower breaths of fresh air (fully expand lungs and diaphragm). Go outside to refresh, relax, and oxygenate your cells. Exhale the stale air out, and take deep breaths to bring fresh air in.
  • Exercise: Movement needs energy, making us breathe more. Training the lungs and heart by building up endurance increases oxygen efficiency.
  • Membranes: Oxygen enters the blood via moist air-sacs lining the lung (alveoli). Hydration, and smoke-free lungs, enhance the efficiency of oxygen exchange on the membrane.
  • Nutrition: Red blood cells contain 270 million units of hemoglobin, each with iron at its core. Iron has two electrical states allowing it to ‘pick-up’ and ‘put-down’ oxygen (like an electromagnet). Eat Iron-Rich foods, like leafy greens, to increase your iron levels.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: The Goliath of Oxygen absorption and utilization. Allowing your body to capture 3 times the level of oxygen by melting the oxygen that you breath into the fluid of your blood for optimal distribution of that oxygen to your cell’s mitochondria for new stem cell production.

Enhancing Oxygenation

Unfortunately, fresh air, exercise, and hydration have minimal impact if you lack iron. Over 25% of humanity has insufficient red blood cells (anemia), mainly due to iron deficiency. Lack of iron makes life tiring, movement draining, sleep impossible, and moods unstable–because the body can’t breathe.

When oxygen fails to reach the brain you cannot think or sleep.

HBOT enhances oxygenation to make more energy available for your brain. Cellular oxygenation is increased, reducing appetite and enhancing stamina. HBOT improves your ability to energize the body, dedicating more resources to restorative functions, and increasing red blood cell production. 

Next time you’re tired or need more energy, try snacking on oxygen. Improving your ability to absorb, exchange, transport, and utilize oxygen has a profound health impact. Dive into your Hyperbaric Chamber, then take a deep breath, open up your chest, fill your lungs, and feel your body filling up with fuel.